Biosociative Diagram (Holocaust Memorial)

Biosociative Diagram
SUBJECT:      Engaged Memoria with Transmediation:
                       Holocaust Memorial and Information Centre in Berlin

My subject changed a little bit. Now i'm seeing it as a whole Memoria Project and i will focus on both monument and the information centre and their integrated experimentation.

     FOREGROUND = MONUMENT (art- architecture) 

"The primary condition of the work is not what you see but what you feel. And primary experience is not red nose as in the painting but tactile. We were trying to deny which is the strongest way of perception of architecture, the metaphysics of the presents, the iconography, meaning symbolism etc. etc... There is nothing symbolic in the material, in the ground. It's just as it is. We are trying to reduce it to pure presents.  That's the theoretical interpretation."

Peter Eisenman, architecth

Many people's memoria to one people's perception
Personal experiences
Feeling Free
Playing, photographing
Not knowing who's coming from the corner
Nazi camps

     UNDERGROUND = MUSEUM (exhibition of information)    

Datas, documents, pictures and videos about murdered Jews and its presentation is also directly connected to the aim of the project: commemorating the dead people-families. 

One people's memoria to many people's perception
Adaptation of the architectural form of Eisenman
like an Alive Graveyard
Screens and ground seems like Ying and Yang
Digital Archiving
Digital and physical 
